One of my ancestors was the Reverend Ebenezer Dickey Junkin. In 1880, he accepted a call from the First Presbyterian Church of Houston, Texas, to become their pastor. He and his wife left their home in Virginia and traveled to Houston to meet the people and see if the call suited them. Shortly thereafter, Rev. Junkin and his wife moved to Houston and served as their pastor.
[The following letter is from Rev. Junkin to the faithful in Houston just after he returned home to Virginia to pack up for his new job at First Presbyterian Church in Houston.]
Brownsburg, Virginia
August 31, 1880
To the Members of the First Presbyterian Church, Houston, Texas
My Dear Brethren:
Through the loving care of our Heavenly Father, I have had a safe and very pleasant journey to my old home, and a very happy meeting with my love ones here. I found all of my family in excellent health, and all gathered under the roof where, for nearly twenty years, we have lived so happily together. Truly the Lord has been very good to me and mine; and I do, from my heart, thank Him for it all.
On the first Sabbath after my return, I worshipped with the people to whom I so long ministered, and was most cordially welcomed back by them. I heard Dr. Vaughn, their pastor elect, preach. But the joy of meeting these loved ones and of worshipping again in the old Church was saddened by the constant thought of the necessary breaking up and the long and far separation. Very dear ties are to be broken, and I do dread the final parting. Still my heart continually goes out toward you who constitute my new charge, and I feel that already most tender ties have been formed, which I trust will ever grow stronger and stronger the more we get to know each other and the longer my pastorate among you lasts. During my short sojourn among you, I not only began to love you and to feel a very great interest in your spiritual welfare, but to appreciate, in some degree, the greatness and the vast importance of the work to which the Lord has called me in your midst. It is truly a great work, and involving vast responsibilities. Indeed I am appalled by the greatness and the difficulty of the work, and could not undertake it, but for the good promise of the Master = "I will be with you always." The firm persuasion I have that He has called me to this field, gives me very great comfort; for having that I am assured that all needed grace and strength will be given [to] me. But I want to say to you, that in order to the success of my ministry among you - you must work with me. And just to the degree that every member of the Church does work and work earnestly and heartily with me will the Church and the cause of Christ be prospered. The Church can prosper only when the mutual duties of Pastor and People are faithfully performed, and when Pastor and People are actuated by love to Christ and to the souls of men, for Christ's sake, realize their responsibilities and endeavor in the fear of God to discharge them.
There is a very great work to be done in Houston by the Presbyterian Church. Upon me, as your pastor, will rest, of course, the main responsibility to that work; but I know and you know that I cannot do all of it. You must help me. The ways in which you can help me are many. I need not attempt to enumerate them to you, for if you each truly wish thus to help, and ask the Lord what He would have you do, I doubt not that He would indicate to each his or her work. I may, however, throw out one or two hints in reference to this matter. It is a very great help to a pastor to see the people prompt and punctual in attendance upon the public services of the Church, whether on Sabbath or week day. Let nothing interfere with you in this matter. But not only by your own presence can you help and encourage your Pastor; you can, by you[r] personal influence persuade others to attend those services and thus bring them under the influence of the truth. Do not let others keep you from the services of God's house, but do you take them to those services. There is very much of this kind of work to be done in Houston, and which you can do more efficiently and easier than I can do it. There are many families and individuals upon whom you can exert an influence which will draw them to attend our Church. Let there be no divisions among you; put all mere personal preferences and interests in subordination to the interest of Christ's Church. Consult ever the peace and unity and prosperity of the Church, and let no mere personal matters interfere to warp your judgment or influence your conduct. Remember it is Christ's own blood-bought Church whose interests you are called upon to keep ever in view. My prayers daily ascend for you, that the richest blessings from above may rest upon you and that God may revive His cause among you. Sabbath after Sabbath especially, and Tuesday evening after Tuesday evening will I meet with you in spirit, and my prayers will mingle with yours as they ascend to the Heavenly Throne. May the God of all grace keep you and bless you and cause His face to shine upon you. May He cure any that are sick and may He comfort any who mourn. Pray for me that I may be kept in safety and blessing and be brought back to you fitted for the great work.
I am truly your Servant in Christ Jesus,
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